It's been a LONG time since i've wrote on our blog! We've been busy! We added a new member to our family on March 4, 2021... Ivan Truett Leaper...7lb. 3 oz. of perfection. He's almost an exact replica of his older brother :). We have also started homeschooling as of the 2020 school year. Everett is currently in 1st Grade and Vera is in preschool. Ivan keeps us busy and its been very challenging juggling a baby while homeschooling.
Everett at 5:
- Believes he knows more than mom and dad
- Everett's first few wrestling tournaments he didn't seem very aggressive or didn't really care if he got last place or first place.. so we went to a tournament in bemidji and told him if he got first place we would get him a cake... he was a wrestling maniac and did SO good and got first place!! Whole different kid!
- Everett loves ice cream on a "pine cone".
- Everett: "mom one day I want to move to Wisconsin!" Me: "You want to be a cheesehead??" Everett: "No i just want to eat cheese not be cheese!!"
- Everett lost his first tooth on his 6th birthday.
- We found out we were expecting baby number 3 on his 6th birthday!
- Everett at 6: He developed a habit cough that lasted about a month. He would cough every few seconds if he wasn't distracted or sleeping. I did some research and realized you can do hypnosis and one thing you could do is ask what they wanted to do when they were all better. Everett wanted a pizza party with cousins so I told him if he stopped coughing he could have his pizza party... the next day he stopped coughing and asked when I was going to plan his party!
- Everett changed the name of Geoff the giraffe to "hot meatball"
- "and renew a right spirit within me" Everett thought was "Henry knew a right spirit" he asked "who's Henry??"
Vera at 2: says "Opie doos" instead of "Oopsie Daisies"
- She got into and ate rat poisoning, icy hot, and a bag of Tylenol.
Vera at 4: Stepped on the scale and said "how old are my feet?"
Ivan at 6 months: almost crawling, peas and bananas were 1st foods. Got his first tooth the day he turned 6 months!