That's my little boy.. How is he a toddler already?
The more we think about how fast time has gone the more we want life to slow down. Work is still very busy into October this year at Interstate Traffic Signs. Tommy is still not home until late at night.. Typically about 9:00.. If we're lucky he's home about 8:00... If every once in a while we are REALLY lucky he's home at 6:00 and can see Everett before bedtime at 7:00.. We are very much looking forward to winter and Tommy being home at 4:30 weeknights.. What a treat! On the flip side we are so blessed with what the Lord has given us. A wonderful marriage, a healthy baby boy, and good jobs. WE ARE BLESSED! It's going to be a great day all thanks to Him! Everett is napping and the sun is shining! I'm off to do some cleaning and grocery planning! Until next time.....