Monday, November 14, 2016

Fork in the Road

As I've gotten older, it has become more and more apparent to me that in life we have to choose God or the World. Growing up, I believed in God but He was not an everyday truth for me. I went to church and turned to Him during the hard times but didn't have an everyday relationship with Him. I floated back and forth between living how the Lord wanted me to and living how this world wanted me to. I thought that I would be able to continue this and somehow feel good about my life. Thank God, the values that were instilled in me as a child stuck with me and I came back to them. "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6. I think in life he allows bad things to happen to us because He knows it will make us choose. You can choose to seek happiness and cover up the hurt with the things of this world: alcohol, drugs, material objects, music, beauty, food, etc. OR you can choose Jesus. The more we turn to Him in hard times instead of this world, the more He will open our eyes to truth and we will feel peace. My prayer everyday is that my children will recognize this. My prayer is that they will question everything the world tells them will bring them happiness and that they will wholeheartedly seek and soak up the truth that comes from reading the bible and understanding His words. Life gets hard my loves. It can be a lot of struggle amongst a few moments of happiness. But it is so worth it if we hang on to His promises. I know I'm not home here on this earth. I know He has a place prepared for me. In the meantime, He sure knows how to bless us with many good things: My husband, my babies (Everett and to be continued..."Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her." Luke 1:45) . He is good.