Sunday, November 1, 2015

Fall 2015

 The Leaper Family had another wonderful fall weekend. Yesterday (Halloween) we attempted decorating pumpkins. Mostly, we wanted Everett to enjoy painting a pumpkin which turned out to be a Pinterest Fail :( Oh well there is always next year! He didn't quite get the concept and just wanted to eat the paint.. It's all good, it was sweetened condensed milk mixed with food coloring! Then we went trick or treating with our little "Leaper" the frog. Tommy and I finished the night with the movie "Hotel Transylvania" which was so cute and funny! I look forward to watching those movies with Everett as he gets older (at almost 16 months he still doesn't do much sitting still for long). Today we had Elliette Winter's 2nd bday party in Park Rapids. It was a Curious George theme which was so cute! Everett mainly ran around and played a bit with other kids. After the party, we stopped at Grandma and Grandpa Smith's house and Tommy sited in his gun. Deer opener is next weekend! Another thing that Everett will enjoy I'm sure as he gets older. The more I reflect on this weekend the more I realize how great this simple life is of ours. We have so much love in this little family of ours already, I can't wait to see what's to come!

A few things Everett is doing currently (16months) that I want to remember!
- Picking up things off the floor and putting them in the garbage (Big helper)
-Eating food off the floor after each meal
-Saying "cheese" anytime a phone/camera is pointed in his direction
-Putting cherios and other foods on his sippy cup so he can eat it as he gets a drink
-Slowly transitioning to 1 nap a day (only once so far but I believe he only gets one nap at daycare)
-Dancing at every chance he gets.. Anytime a tune he likes comes on :)

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